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Kids GPS Watch Market Analysis Global Size, Share, Trends, Growth and Trends in market share.

Views : 1602
Update time : 2020-03-18 15:11:13

Kids GPS Watch Market Analysis Global Size, Share, Trends, Growth and Trends in market share.


As per data from Alibaba, the kids wearable device ranks number 3 among all wearable device, the top rank is smart watch and smart 
band, while the smart network device and head wareable rank number 4 and number 5. The kids wareable device is kids gps watch 
phone, The smart watch includes kids gps watch phone and adult smart watch.
From the sales data in Chinese Taobal, we can see Xiaomi smart sports bracelets sales 102,638pcs in a month to rank number 1, the 
second is kids gps watch, monthly selling is 32836pcs, while adult smart watches ranks 3st. 
So we can know the smart bracelets market share is number 1, and kids gps watch is number 2, while adult smart watches is number 3. In the overseas market, USA and India will be the too biggest market in coming years, Russia ranks 3st. Totally in a year globally can reach 80K to 100K.

    According to the data of mainstream search engines, the children's mobile phone watch has begun to peak since Feb. 3 (the 
first day of the seventh month), and gradually slowed down since February 8 (the first month of the lunar January 12). After the 
holiday search for the peak, and then dropped back; part of the reason can be understood as the inconvenience of the Spring 
Festival logistics consumption in the short postganglionic release. Search hot as a whole should be V-shaped, V-shaped well 
explained that the market is hot before the Spring Festival began to cool down again after the Spring Festival.