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Aibeile APP tracker

Views : 7599
Update time : 2020-03-18 11:30:09
1- Aibeile APP tracker
Andriod: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fw.abl
iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/aibeile/id1018170975
2- Aibeile instruction menu
Download at
Or you can send an email to overseas@i365-tech.com
3-Aibeile for PC
PC platform http://en.i365gps.com/
4-Aibeile a9
The detail is at: http://www.chinagpstracker.cc/products_detail/productId=57.html
5- Aibeile setup

Step 1 Login by ID number: Please check the ID number of this product in the label of external box; find out all accessories inside the box.
Step 2 with internet available sim card to power on: 
Step 3 If you see the GPS Tracker is not enable on the Aibeile APP, please manually set up APN, by sending SMS from any phone to the GPS Tracker.
Aibeile APN for GPS Tracker kids elderly GPS watch
SIM card in some countries needs to setup APN before access to GPRS network, please contact your SIM card operator or check the website of the SIM card for the APN information.
Setup APN
Command Example (manually send following SMS from mobile phone to GPS locator ) After you send SMS, feedback will return SMS to you as following
pw,123456,APN,APN name,user name,password,MCCMNC# If your APN name=wap.tmobil.cl, _cke_saved_name=wap.tmobil.cl, _cke_saved_name=wap.tmobil.cl, _cke_saved_name=wap.tmobil.cl,
user name=wap, _cke_saved_name=wap, _cke_saved_name=wap, _cke_saved_name=wap, password=wap, MCC=730, MNC=02,
then you can send this SMS to your GPS Locator: pw,123456,apn,wap.tmobil.cl,wap,wap,73002#
Use your mobile phone, send above SMS command to the GPS tracker SIM card. After you send the SMS command, please check if you get a set up success replied SMS from GPS locator.
Command format:
pw,123456,apn,apn name,user name,password,MCCMNC#
Example: BSNL SIM card, the APN name is bsnlnet, user name null, password null, MCC=404, MNC=80
Then send sms command: pw,123456,apn,bsnlnet,,,40480#
(Note: If the user name and password is null, you still need to leave it blank and keep the comma character as above)
APN will set successfully after you get the reply SMS from GPS locator.
Note: Each operator’s APN information is different, please contact the operator for their APN and MCC, MNC information, thanks.
6-Aibeile manual
Download at
Or you can send an email to overseas@i365-tech.com
7- Aibeile forgot password
You can contact your reseller for password reset, they will contact us for furher support if need.
8- Aibeile help
You can contact your reseller for help, they will contact us for furher support if need.
9- Aibeile andriod
Andriod: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fw.abl
10-Aibeile account
The account number is different from Login ID, one Aibeile account can manage thousands of Aibeile GPS Tracker, PC platform http://en.i365gps.com/
11-Aibeile application
Aibeile can be used for kids tracking, elderly SOS emergency help, pet gps collar
12-Aibeile create account
You will need to contact your reseller for account creation, one Aibeile account can manage thousands of Aibeile GPS Tracker
13-Aibeile device id
The device ID is 10 digital number, it is short from IMEI number.
14-Aibeile gps tracker
Aibeile gps tracker T58
Aibeile gps tracker T28
Aibeile gps tracker A6
Aibeile gps tracker A9
Aibeile gps tracker A10
Aibeile gps tracker A18
Aibeile gps tracker A16
Aibeile gps tracker A19
Aibeile gps tracker A20
Aibeile gps tracker A21
Aibeile gps tracker S1
Aibeile gps tracker T8S
A13 T58 T28 A6 S1 A9 A10 A18 A16 A19 A20 A21 and so on
15-Aibeile how to use
Step 1 Login by ID number: Please check the ID number of this product in the label of external box; find out all accessories inside the box.
Step 2 with internet available sim card to power on:
Step 3 If you see the GPS Tracker is not enable on the Aibeile APP, please manually set up APN, by sending SMS from any phone to the GPS Tracker.
16-Aibeile login
Login by ID, the address is at PC platform http://en.i365gps.com/
17-Aibeile aibeile personal mini micro gps
Aibeile gps tracker A9
Aibeile gps tracker A12
Aibeile gps tracker A18
Aibeile gps tracker A21
18-Aibeile register
Before delivery, it has been registered by our staffs, you can just login by ID number
19-Aibeile review
20- Aibeile youtube
21- Aibeile office address
B510-B512,Block B,Mingyou Purchasing Centre,168 Baoyuan Road,Bao An District,Shenzhen China
It is near Shenzhen Airport.
At the nearby of Pingzhou metro station ( Line 1 )